DISCLAIMER – The Card images presented have been generated with AI. However the story and meanings are my own work. My interpretations have been developed over time, during my work with the Tarot and many decks within our collection! Tarot readings are a guide and should be taken as such. You have complete control and free will over your own life path!

The Fool
Story The Fool is about to take a leap and start the journey of life. The Fool is innocent and unaware of how the world

The Magician
Story The Fool comes across a strange figure dressed in robes. In front of the figure are all the suits: Pentacles, Swords, Wands, and Cups

The High Priestess
Story The Fool continues the journey after leaving The Magician and learning about physical manifestation. Day turns into night during the travels. The moon is

The Hierophant
Story Place Hold Upright Meanings Place Hold Reversed Meanings Place Hold